Health & Safety

Workplace Safety

Keeping our Workforce Safe - All Day Every Day.

As a market leader within our industry we believe in a philosophy of ‘best practice’ driven safety performance, where the concept of striving for anything other than safety excellence is simply not acceptable to us. The very nature of our work means that we often find ourselves working in challenging and sometimes unique working environments, where in addition to dealing safely with highly dangerous asbestos materials, we might also need to adapt our normal working methods to ensure that first and foremost we always keep our workforce safe, in addition to any clients, staff, students and 3rd parties/visitors within the working environment – and we strive to do this all day, every day.

As one of the few highly regulated and licensed industry sectors in the UK, the Health & Safety Executive know that we are experts at our core business of asbestos remediation work. What they also insist on though is that we can demonstrate impressive safety leadership and professional safety credentials. Indeed, this increasingly tends to be an area that is fully explored and challenged at Asbestos Licensing renewal interviews.

We are proud of our prominent safety leadership at Board level, with our operational safety and compliance teams delivering a consistent and solid safety record for our business. We believe this approach is what sets us apart from our competitors and is reflected in a three year Asbestos Licence from HSE, reserved only for Licensed Contractors who can demonstrate exemplary leadership and impressive health and safety performance.

In simple terms, we feel that if we can’t do our work safely, with no compromise, then we would rather not do it at all. We will tell you that too if needs be!

Health & Wellbeing

Health – With No Compromise.

As we work daily with an internationally recognised Class 1 Carcinogen, there can be no compromise when it comes to the potential for asbestos exposure to impact on the health of our employees. Our approach is simple, a ‘target of zero exposure’ objective and we have rigorous systems in place to make sure that this potential is controlled at all times. We’re simply not prepared to tolerate the idea of our work possibly adding to the shocking statistics that mean exposure to asbestos is still the number one cause of occupational related death in the UK today. As such, all of our operational staff participate in our formal asbestos medical programme, where they undergo medical examination by an approved doctor every two years.

Much of our work involves the use of heavy plant and equipment and so preventing ill health due to exposure to noise and vibration are issues that we have to deal with daily. We always use the most modern tools and equipment, which typically come with noise and vibration control features built in, but in addition to this we monitor and control our working practices, such that we keep exposure times to a minimum.

Wellbeing – Occupational Health for all.

As a modern progressive business, we believe that having a fit and healthy workforce is not only good for all, but it’s also good for the health of our business too. As such, we have teamed up with a professional Occupational Health provider, who support our ‘Fit to Work’ programme in providing regular health screening assessments covering our entire UK workforce. These professionals also advise us on fitness to work medicals covering our safety critical roles, such as working at height, confined space working and of course driving. Our staff at Head Office also enjoy the added benefits of access to a full state of the art on-site gym.

Find Us

Aspect Contracts Ltd, Beza Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 2BR
(0)113 271 1346

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, Aspect House, Honywood Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3DS
(0)1268 534477

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, 95 Carron Place, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0YL
(0)1355 574901
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