ISO 45001 : 2018 Health & Safety Policy



The Aspect Contracts Limited Health and Safety Policy applies to all operations both at the Head Office, other site offices and on transient work sites.

The Managing Director is committed to the furtherance of the objectives and principles of the Health and Safety Policy. By signing this Health and Safety Policy, the Managing Director gives approval to the Quality Management System described in the Integrated Management System Manual and in supporting Company Processes and delegates the responsibility of the day-to-day compliance to the Group Operations Director.

This Health and Safety Policy is evaluated as part of the overall review of the Quality Management System to ensure its stated objectives are met.

In addition to recognising our responsibilities under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 we also recognise our responsibilities under more specific legislation pertaining to our main area of operation these being the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, and all associated Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes including the Licensed Contractors Guide HSG 247 and in fulfilling our obligations to both employees and the public who may be affected by our activities; the Directors of Aspect Contracts Ltd have developed the following statement of policy in respect of health and safety.

It is our aim to achieve a working environment which is free of work-related accidents and ill-health and to this end we will pursue continuing improvements from year to year.

Health and Safety Objectives and Principles
We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:
•Ensuring Health & Safety is never compromised by anything else.
•Identifying hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures.
•Providing and maintaining safe work equipment
•Establishing and enforcing safe methods of work
•Recruiting and appointing personnel who have the skills, abilities, and competence commensurate with their role and level of responsibility.
•Ensuring that tasks given to employees are within their skills, knowledge, and ability to perform.
•Ensuring that technical competence is maintained through the provision of refresher training, training needs analysis and continued professional development as appropriate.
•Promoting awareness of health, wellbeing, and safety and of good practice through the effective communication of relevant information
•Consult with our staff on matters connected with health and safety and prior to the introduction of innovative technologies or processes which may impact on their health, safety, and wellbeing.
•Provide staff with occupational health screening and surveillance.
•Consider sustainable process to complete our projects within the regulatory requirements.
•Promoting two-way communications both downstream and upstream
•Furnishing sufficient funds needed to meet these objectives.

All employees are actively encouraged to contribute actively towards achieving a work environment that is free of accidents and ill health and report any deficiency in this respect to their line manager or a director.

Our health and safety policy will be reviewed at least annually or when there is a major change to the Companies processes or organisation to monitor its effectiveness and to ensure that it reflects changing needs and circumstances.

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the responsibilities, arrangements, procedures, and guidance that together form the Health and Safety policy for Aspect Contracts Ltd.

7.1 Worksafe Policy Statement.
If an employee honestly considers that the work activity they are being asked to undertake involves an unacceptable risk of injury or damage to equipment, they have the right to refuse to continue work until the risk is eliminated or as a minimum reduced to an acceptable level.

The Company’s procedure for this action is communicated to each employee at their induction. Employees raising an honest and reasonable complaint are protected by law from any discrimination or disciplinary action.

We are committed to investigating any complaint and if justified, to take such measures as are necessary to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

Refusal to work on the grounds of concerns over issues relating to Health & Safety is a key component of the Aspect Contracts Limited Health & Safety policy. In the event of an employee expressing concern over these issues, they will be supported, and an investigation conducted to determine if the concerns are well founded.

In the event of no substantive evidence of the concerns being justified the complainant will be asked to conduct the task. In the event of the concerns being justified the work will be suspended until a safer method can be found.

Concerns about safety should be raised with your line manager, however, if anyone feels that these channels are inappropriate or inadequate you should make direct contact with the SHEQ Department, Group Operations Director or the appointed external consultants, all reports are treated in absolute confidence.

No person will be asked to conduct a process that they have neither the training nor Competency to conduct unless they are under full supervision.

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the responsibilities, arrangements, procedures, and guidance that together form the health and safety manual for Aspect Contracts Limited.

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, Beza Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 2BR
(0)113 271 1346

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, Aspect House, Honywood Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3DS
(0)1268 534477

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, 95 Carron Place, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0YL
(0)1355 574901
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