ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Policy


The Aspect Contracts Limited Environmental Policy applies to all operations at the Head Office and on transient work sites.

The Managing Director is committed to sound environmental practices in all Company operations. By signing this Environmental Policy, the Managing Director gives the approval to the Environmental Management System described in the Integrated Management System Manual and in supporting Company Processes and delegates the responsibility of the day-to-day compliance to the Group Operations Director.

Aspect Contracts Limited recognises the social and economic importance of protecting the environment and is committed to leading by example in promoting a sensitive, considered attitude to the environment. Aspect Contracts Limited recognises that its operations are directed towards enhancing the environment and preventing pollution. Aspect Contracts Limited considers the effects on the environment of all its actions wherever it operates and works to match the rising expectations of a cleaner, safer, healthier environment aligning with sustainability and wellness considerations.

This Environmental Policy is evaluated as part of the overall review of the Environmental Management System to ensure its stated objectives are met.

Environmental Objectives and Principles
The objectives and principles of the Environmental Policy are:
•To establish and maintain an Environmental Management System which satisfies the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, industry best practice and any other Client specific requirements.
•To comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, industry best practice and any other Client specific requirements, at all times (our compliance obligations). Where no laws, regulations or codes of practice exist, we will develop our own standards to allow for the best practicable and financially viable environmental option, not entailing significant and detrimental costs to the Company, whilst considering public, local and interested parties’ opinions.
•To ensure sufficient financial and physical resources are available to meet the objectives of the Environmental Management System, as well as all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
•To prevent pollution.
•To protect the Environment in all aspects of our business and in particular, to prevent any adverse environmental effects from the significant aspects of our operations.
•To recycle/reuse materials wherever practical and to seek to conserve scarce and non-renewable resources, such as energy, in all operations.
•To minimise the environmental impact, for the life cycle (including disposal) of all plant, equipment, and other physical assets under our control.
•To set environmental objectives and establish measures to control abnormal and emergency situations and monitor and report on progress.
•To ensure that we adhere to our Policy and Programmes by conducting audits and management review at the required and designated intervals and addressing resulting actions identified through it.
•To plan and update Company operations in response to advances in technology, changes to industry best practice and new understanding in environmental science.
•To consult with Local and National Government bodies, enforcing and regulatory authorities, and specialists to seek advice and assistance in ensuring our Environmental Management Programme achieves its full potential.
•To consult with employees on issues relating to the Environmental Policy and promote and encourage a positive culture throughout the organisation through the provision of information, training, instruction, and supervision.
•To consult and communicate our Policy with our Clients and their representatives, our sub-contractors, and our suppliers, to promote environmental awareness, to gain their support to meet our objectives and ensure they do not operate to standards which conflict with Aspect Contracts Limited’s Policy.
•To commit to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions to ‘Well-below 2C’, to include reducing absolute scope one and scope 2 GHG emissions by 30% from a 2018 base year (by 2030) with a long-term net zero science-based target (SBTi) for 2050.

The Managing Director, Has the overall responsibility for the Environmental Policy and Environmental Management System including formulation, development, implementation and encouraging commitment by personnel at all levels of the Company.

The Managing director has delegated the Group Operations Director to control the day-to-day Management of the process and support the representatives that are nominated in the Integrated Management System Manual in their own responsibility for the co-ordination, implementation, and monitoring of the policy throughout the organisation.

All employees, contractors and visitors are responsible for policy implementation by cooperating, participating, and contributing to its success through their actions and suggestions.

This Environmental Policy is communicated to all employees, contractors, and visitors. A copy is held in the Site / Vehicle Folders on transient work sites and is available on the company shared drive. All employees are encouraged to read it and communicate any queries to a director.

Copies are made available to interested parties on request and a copy is published on the company website.​​​​​​​

Find Us

Aspect Contracts Ltd, Beza Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 2BR
(0)113 271 1346

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, Aspect House, Honywood Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3DS
(0)1268 534477

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Aspect Contracts Ltd, 95 Carron Place, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0YL
(0)1355 574901
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